Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kindergarten Paperslides

Kindergarten students recently wrapped up their Where We are in Place and Time IB unit. Their central idea was: Homes are unique all over the world. They inquired into: types of shelter, the difference between home & shelter, and organisms without a home. As their summative (end of unit) assessment, students did a "paperslides" project. The students picked an organism and drew them with and without a home. The students then recorded their slides and explained their learning.  Check out a few samples below:

1st Grade Investigates Magnets

The first grade How We Organize Ourselves unit delved into the central idea "Curiosity drives investigation into our world." To help them better understand this idea, students investigated the properties of magnets. The students had previously made predictions using a T-Chart on what would be magnetic and non-magnetic and then they went around the classroom to investigate if their predictions were correct or not.

Techno-Art is in the Movie Business

4th and 5th grade members of the Techno-Art club have been working hard making stop motion movies. Students worked in collaborative groups, planned out their story using a storyboard, then had their choice of medium with which to create their story. Some students chose clay, Legos, tangrams, even dry erase boards! Check out one of their feature presentations!

5th Grade Student Innovation

5th grade recently completed their unit on human discovery and exploration and one of Mrs. Kim's students took some learning in the classroom and applied it to real life! He decided to make a shoe out of duct tape! You never know what action is going to come from lessons in the classroom. What a creative and fun way to discover new uses for duct tape!

4th Grade Living Leader Museum

During 4th grade's How We Organize Ourselves unit, they studied the central idea: Conditions within a community dictate the types of leaders that emerge. One of their activities was to construct a Leader Living Museum. The 4th grade students used their research skills to learn more about important leaders, then developed speeches using the information from their research. Each student created a poster with their leader on it, and other students could "push a button" and hear the speech of that leader.